Stay on Track | Triona Roberts

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“My mission is to decrease childhood obesity while creating champions! I can only do that by influencing the moms – moms tend to prepare all the food for their children.” – Triona Roberts

Triona Roberts is a personal trainer and independent track coach. She specializes in pre and post-natal pregnancy training. She also is a part of the Health Science field where she researches the do’s and dont’s of the health industry.  She has many goals for her business. The first and most important is to help combat childhood obesity. The second is to focus on body performance and balanced nutrition.

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Triona is on a mission to fight back against one of America’s most lethal problems, childhood obesity.  Her passion for this battle derives from the foundation of her family. “When my cousin Tiray (17) died from Bone Cancer, my family went into overdrive with health. I felt it was my obligation to keep my family on track with sports AND nutrition. Every time I think of giving up, I think of his legacy and how I would be giving up on my whole generation if I quit. This keeps me so focused, consistent, and motivated,” Triona says.

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Growing up, Triona ran track and became very good at it. Not only did track help her get an amazing body, but it helped her mentally as well.  “There is nothing like a ‘Track Body’! You can’t just stop running. Being a track athlete allows competitors to overcome impeded mental barriers, which forbid them from progressing, and achieving the impossible. We proceed through drastic measures to push our bodies past our comfort zones, mentally reminding us that we are GREAT, even after Track.

For me, I just couldn’t be a regular student/person. Track more than any sport I’ve played always had a way of keeping me focused, humble and motivated. So even when I came back to track I was ‘in shape’ and ready to RUN. My new family just welcomed me with open arms. GO BULLS! Also with me having a little bit of an identity crisis upon graduating from school/track, I wanted to keep my Track figure. All good things must come to an end, but I realized I didn’t have to stop training and properly fueling my body,” Triona says.

However, as a college student she sort of lost her passion for it. “I ran Track for The University of South Florida; however, this wasn’t my first school. I went to Southeast Missouri State University for the money and what seemed to be a great college and track decision. SEMO had a way of demotivating its athletes! I fell out of love with track. I honestly didn’t want to run anymore,” Triona explains.

But after such a negative experience, Triona decided to give track other chance in another setting. “It wasn’t until I got to USF and decided to take a semester off without running, that I found out my life without sports was nothing. I couldn’t just be a regular student. I told myself if I could run without a scholarship, I am still in love with track. It turned out to  be the best decision ever! Never do anything because of the money. That journey in itself taught me everything about life! I was an athlete my entire life, so I was always fit. My last year struggling with my identity after Track propelled me forward to my health conscious decisions. I decided to get serious about my health and really watch my nutrition. When I made this change I noticed my performance enhanced as well as my focus. People started asking ME for advice with track and nutrition. I turned into this mini ‘Health Scientist’. Researching sports nutrition, reading labels, testing workouts, becoming the guanine pig for dieticians: which further fueled my passion for health and fitness,” Triona details.

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As a personal trainer and coach, Triona uses her life’s experiences to advise the people she trains. Health and fitness starts in the mind and she must build a person’s mentality while coaching them physically as well. “Your body can do just about anything you force it to do. It’s your mind that block 90% of success, consistency, and motivation. Once you can convince your mind of whatever it is you want to do, you’ll be successful. This is what separates the great from the good,” Triona says.

Triona is also all for helping to inspire young people to get fit as well.  She encourages them to build the attitude that they can do anything. Too all the young people looking to consciously increase their health and fitness, Triona say “just do it, start where you are, do what you can! Start small, and stay consistent. My motto is 5 minutes per day if I can train my mind to work out just the bare minimum 5 minutes per day I am creating consistent habits. The five minutes per day will eventually turn into 15, 30 and so on…”

In your opinion, what are the most overrated and underrated exercises?

Overrated- Squats (If you do these wrong you will not activate your gluteus-most people think this exercise is the answer for a bigger bum, if you incorrectly squat you will encounter bad knees/knee problems)

Underrated- Glute/Ham machine for your lower back, gluteus maximum-medium-minimum, hamstring muscles

What motivational/inspirational books have you found to be most helpful?

Fear Saved My Life (10 ways to make your dream bigger than your distractions)

Think and Grow Rich- Robert K Gasp

What are your go-to snacks when you’re on the run?

  • Protein Bar
  • Apple & Peanut Butter
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Triona Roberts

website: (Down for reconstruction)



SnapChat: @Triona4Hunna (My Track Name : )

PumpUp: @TrionasFitN5