In case you can’t find enough time for long training sessions during the week, you may consider trying high-intensity interval training (HIIT) program instead. In order to achieve the shape of your life, you’ll need to concentrate on various aspects. First of all, you’ll need a good and healthy diet, frequent training routines, and lots of motivation. Keep in mind that high-intensity interval training is a great weight loss tool if practiced properly. In the text below you’ll be able to find everything you need to know about HIIT.
HIIT definition
High-intensity interval training is compiled of two major periods. The goal of the first one is to push your body to the limits and increase your heartbeat. The second interval is the one when you’ll have a chance to recover before the next high-intensity interval. You must be wondering about the efficacy of this type of training. While talking about HIIT we must mention VO2 as well. This abbreviation defines maximal oxygen consumption and is a great indicator of your endurance level. In order to make HIIT work, you’ll need to reach 80-100% of your VO2. In other words, you should push yourself until you breathe very deeply.
HIIT is burning fat
Both fats and carbs are getting burned while working out. The intensity of exercise will determine which will be burned more. For example, walking will mostly use energy that is stored in fat, and sprint will drain some from carbohydrate (glycogen) storage. Because of that, there is a misconception among people that low-intensity exercises are the best choice if you aim to lose weight. While steady-state workouts burn some fat, in the beginning, high-intensity training will burn more calories and fat over a longer period of time. Even when training is over. Another great aspect of HIIT is a possibility to increase your stamina, strength, and balance without any weight lifting.
Start with Treadmill Intervals
Make yourself a chart with exercises divided into ones that are active and those that are resting periods. During your active intervals, you should sprint as fast as you can. Think about the distance. The best way to start is to run about .15 miles in one interval. Choose your optimal speed and make sure that you push through. You should aim toward speeds between 11 and 12.5 MPH. First and last active interval will probably be a little bit slower. With more strength, you’ll be able to run faster and longer.
Try some Spin Bike Intervals
This workout includes 3 cycles that should be completed in 13 minutes. Always use the time as your guide. The active periods of this exercise should be around 20 seconds and resting periods should be 10 seconds. This way you’ll achieve your maximum VO2 in no time, and maintain it during the whole workout. Make sure to pedal standing up. This effort will max out your RPM (revolutions per minute). Just give your 100% and miracles will happen with your glutes, quads, and hamstrings. Once you get stronger you may increase the resistance on the bike. In order to successfully recover you should drink a lot of water enhanced with whey protein isolate.
Test yourself with Beach wind sprints
Going to run on a beach may sound fun and romantic. Think again when you try to run as fast as you can on the sand. While your results will be magnificent, your heart will try to jump out of your chest. Before you engage in this high interval training, make sure to find two landmarks. Everything will work. Once you’re done, those will define your interval length. Start by sprinting as fast as possible from the start to finish. Use the way back to rest by walking. The moment you get back, start running again. You should repeat this until your timer counts 15 minutes. While intervals may vary individually, the common session should have around 10 intervals.
Have fun with Hill Sprints
Any type of steep terrain is your goal. You may run uphill, or use stadium steps instead. The choice is yours. Once you get stronger you should find a spot with a greater slope. The dynamic of this interval training is similar to the beach one. Your active interval should be running up as fast as you can and then walk back the same distance. This training should last for 15 minutes as well. Just make sure to find a hill that you can ascend in less than half a minute.
Final thoughts
Make sure to warm-up and stretch before and after the HIIT. Those activities will prepare and rest your body. Keep in mind that avoiding stretching will increase the chance of injury. Another great perk of stretching is that you will become more flexible and stronger after every session.