Teaching fitness in every form. That’s the life of Brigita Bonas. Personal Trainer, Nutritionist, Fitness Model, and Designer, Brigita is a fitness superwoman. Her interest in fitness first started in her grade school years. At an early age, her parents began taking her to sporting events. From there, Brigita says she was hooked. Later in life, she began exploring many different ways of becoming physically fit. Brigita started educating herself on fitness and nutrition. She took part in a variety of sports. Her passion and ultimate goal was to shape her body in the way she envisioned it.
“I’ve always believed that an active lifestyle opens up doors to experience and explore new possibilities.”
Personal Training
Warning! Personal training is not for the faint of heart.
Especially training with a tough cookie like Brigita. “I don’t have much patience. Some clients drop out after a few sessions. This is because they were fooling themselves,” Brigita admits. This is not to say the she doesn’t have the best interest of her clients at heart. In fact it’s quite the opposite. She pushes them hard to receive the best results. But yet, Brigita stress the importance of knowing her boundaries. “Of course, a professional has to adjust his training to different clients. There are limits.“
Brigita has been a certified personal trainer for years. The most important aspect of being a personal trainer is the relation between the trainer and her clients. “There should definitely be a connection there,” Brigita explains. To establish better relationships, many trainers are choosing their clients. “It’s a new approach. It is contrary to the traditional approach of the client choosing the trainer.”
For Brigita the ideal client is one with a clear idea of where they want to be and the determination to get there. She’s not afraid to show a bit of tough love and push her clients to the limit to achieve their goals! “My responsibility as a personal trainer is to make my clients feel welcomed. I have to direct them to the adjusted workout routines.”
“If you choose the right exercises and do them in a right order, you will achieve your desired results.”
Fitness is important to Brigita. It’s equally important that she and her clients nourish their bodies as well. This is what inspired Brigita to take on the role of nutritionist as well. “It’s just not enough just to exercise. You have to put the right foods into your body as well,” she explains. Brigita has explored a plethora of different diet options. She finds the pescaterian route is the best for her. She’s stuck to it for nine years! She also uses a vegan diet for a few months out of each year to provide a detox for her body. But Brigita doesn’t always strictly stick to her diet. “I let myself enjoy occasional treats when everything is in the right balance,” Brigita says.
This program works best with her lifestyle and body goals. As a nutritionist, Brigita works to find the best nutritional route for her clients. This is dependent upon their lifestyle and where they want their body to be. “It’s important to find a diet that is realistic for you and your lifestyle. Realistic expectations allows you to better control your diet,” Brigita explains. “They will make it less likely that you fall off or begin to cheat. Nutrition and staying fit is all about your mindset. It is about your goals. Lastly, it is about your willingness to take on the challenges without breaking boundaries.”
It’s a balancing act. The best way to reach your goals is to start off small and work your way into seeing the bigger picture. “My advice would be to have your aims for a week, month, year, 5 years – then you can see the bigger picture.”
“Surround yourself by active, inspiring and ambitious people.”
Fitness Modeling
Beyond working as a personal trainer, Brigita constantly works on sculpting her own body. She often competes in fitness competitions. In these competitions she shows off her sculpted figure. Besides providing a fun inspiration to keep fit, fitness competition satisfies Brigita’s competitive nature. Brigita also practices her fitness modeling as a way to advertise her own brand. She photographs in her own designs and has been featured in several publications.
Designing is a way for Brigita to incorporate fun into her passion for fitness. “Bikini design is probably the easiest expression of my infatuation with fitness. It is a method of relaxation for me,” Brigita says. It’s also not bad to make a profit doing something you enjoy as well. “My motivation to create bikinis was to wear them myself. I love bikinis because you can see the shape that you were working on all year. You also feel girly at the same time. I am full of new ideas for bikini designs and I appreciate if someone else likes and wears my designs.”
Brigita and her superwoman mentality has created a formidable fitness brand. Her goal is to continue on with building her brand and expanding connections. “I started this brand more so as an experiment. It was something I wanted to tick in my life goals checklist. Now, various fitness related people are reaching out to me. I want to try to give my followers some new ideas and motivation to spend their time in a active way,” Brigita says.
“Stay active and curious!”