From Dreams to Real Life | Mark Fisher’s Tips


Mark Fisher has established a game changer in the fitness industry. Mark has been able to fill a niche making fitness more accessible to those of us who aren’t natural gym rats. Not only has he been able to establish a program that helps many people achieve their health goals, he also has been successful at building a brand that is widely accepte. He is an amazing man and just like his fitness tips, he also educates on the topic of business too.

For Mark, one of the most important aspects of business is time management. You have to use your time wisely in order to assure productivity. Based on one of the many courses that he teaches, Mark has offered us a few helpful tips that will certainly simplify the process of making any dream of yours come true!

1) Everyone needs some sort of “to do list,” or more broadly, an “information capture system.”  This could be an app like Evernote, but it could also be an analog notebook.In order to be productive, you have to get ideas out of your head into an “external brain.” From there you can appropriately organize and prioritize your tasks; an errand you need to run, paperwork you need to fill out, a business idea you want to work on, an article you need to research, etc.

SWEAT journal evernote-logo-wide-1200x675 From Dreams to Real Life | Mark Fisher's Tips

2) From there, you need a tool to “make your to do list exist in time.” This could be in daily schedules in your analog notebook or on a digital calendar. Processing your “external brain” projects and tasks means scheduling them.

SWEAT journal iphone-calendar-picks-google-calendar From Dreams to Real Life | Mark Fisher's Tips

3) Lastly, I think it’s important to track the “key performance indicators” for any goal you’re pursuing. For fitness, this could be weights lifted or waist measurements. For business, it could be email opt-in’s or revenue.

SWEAT journal strength-training-spreadsheet-excel From Dreams to Real Life | Mark Fisher's Tips

Essentially, you’ve got to turn your dreams into a clear vision. Then from that vision, you’ve got to create specific goals. From there, you’ve got to create systems that create shorter term milestones for a given goal. And finally, you’ve to to determine the key daily action steps and habits are the necessary input on the way to  give goal.