- Commit. -If you don’t make the commitment to make this a permanent, lasting change, then when challenges or obstacles come along, you won’t stick with it and will go back to old patterns. You have to have a why to keep you going.
- Prioritize. -The biggest struggle is that not only do I work full time, but I am also committed to making sure we all have healthy lunches packed for the next day, baby food is made and stocked in the freezer and of course I make a commitment to have quality time with my husband. It seems that everyone else’s needs are more important than my own, but I’ve find a nice balance where I can make my own health a priority and in the end be a better mom and wife.
- Sacrifice. -sacrifice other time suckers such as television. I didn’t even know all of the Kardashian sisters’ names until my last maternity leave.
- Eat. -It can be overwhelming to tackle healthy eating at first, so I recommend starting with the crowding out method. Try to incorporate one smoothie daily, a salad and then a side of veggies at dinner and not worry so much about what else makes its way into your diet that day. Overtime, you will eventually want more of the real, whole foods, and less of the “bad” stuff.
- Subtract. – In regards to subtracting something, hands down I’d say subtract the guilt! When the average mom is sitting in my office, she is full of guilt, especially when it comes to putting herself first. But when you talk to husbands and their kids, they all unanimously say that they wish mom was less stressed. Then rarely say I wish she did more for us.